The evolution of commercial mobile broadband over its generations is characterized by a continued increase in the efficiency in the use of spectrum and in the amount of spectrum used to support novel and diverse wireless applications. At the current stage of the developments of 6G, there exist uncertainties about technical characteristics and requirements that 6G applications and systems will have when they become commercial. However, considering that decisions about the use of spectrum depend on multiple aspects and require time to be implemented, it is essential that a good understanding of 6G spectrum needs be reached and contribute to data-driven policy, regulatory decisions, and technical solutions.
This paper assesses 6G spectrum needs based on scenario-specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and application-specific technical performance requirements. The methodology established in the paper for estimating spectrum needs is based on data rate requirements of 6G applications. Emphasis and focus are on North American context and needs. The variety of 6G applications considered in the white paper reflects the Next G Alliance’s collective efforts in establishing the 6G Roadmap, while the system’s technical performance and capabilities reflect North American realities. Both this document and its previously published companion document on potential spectrum bands for 6G are meant to establish global consensus on 6G spectrum needs from the North American perspective.
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