From Everyday Living to Societal Goals: The Promise of 6G Applications

In the 6G future, applications will be pivotal in shaping the future of connectivity, enabling advanced and innovative use cases, and ensuring that the benefits of 6G technology are widely accessible and sustainable. To prepare for that future, ATIS’ Next G Alliance (NGA) Applications Working Group (AWG) is exploring emerging opportunities anticipated with 6G applications. This work aims to assist North American organizations in planning for future market and technological shifts. The use cases driving these applications, markets and shifts, can be summarized in four foundational areas: Everyday Living, Experience, Critical Roles, and Societal Goals.
- Living: Enhancing the quality of everyday living
- Experience: Improving experiences in areas such as entertainment, learning, and healthcare
- Critical Roles: Enhancing critical roles in sectors like healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and public safety
- Societal Goals: Achieving and improving high-level societal goals
- Image generated by Dall-E
A comprehensive approach is needed to understand how 6G can be applied to solve future challenges in everyday life. This involves identifying current pain points and gaps in existing digital services that rely on network connectivity and exploring potential 6G applications to address these issues. Collaboration with experts from academia and government, as well as both traditional and emerging telecom industry players is crucial for gathering diverse insights. By aligning these with consumer needs, service providers can develop innovative 6G solutions that enhance the quality of everyday life and address the other areas ripe for innovation that 6G applications can deliver.
Deriving Design Considerations for 6G Services
- Image generated by Midjourney
- Image generated by Midjourney
- Image generated by Midjourney
- Image generated by Midjourney
Since 2021, the AWG has been developing insights into the implications and design considerations for 6G services. In 2023, the AWG published these findings, focusing on four promising categories of applications and use cases toward a high-level societal goal of improved quality of living:
- Multi-Sensory Extended Reality (XR) in 6G. This paper highlights the potential of multi-sensory extended reality (XR), reviews the current state of the technology and its evolution from 5G, and outlines the requirements and potential research areas necessary to advance XR applications.
- Network-Enabled Robotic and Autonomous Systems. Integrating advanced communication technology into robotic and autonomous systems has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including logistics, transportation, manufacturing, education, healthcare, and more.
- The Evolution of Personalized Digital Experiences Through 6G Technologies. Highlighting four core areas: shopping, healthcare and wellness, travel, and education, this paper presents tailored scenarios for the elderly, working parents, and young students and explains the cutting-edge technologies enabling these services.
- Distributed Sensing and Communications. This paper explores use cases that can enhance the quality of daily life, aligned with the expectation that one of the aspirational roles of 6G is the intelligent collection, processing, and distribution of data to authorized users or applications whenever and wherever needs arise.

Up Next
The NGA continues to explore how those findings might shape the near-future 6G market. This includes collaborating with regional alliances, such as through a Joint Workshop with 6G Forum of South Korea, and sharing the NGA’s vision at global 6G standardization events, such as the 3GPP Stage-1 Workshop on IMT2030 Use Cases. ATIS’ NGA Applications Working Group is developing AWG Report Volume 2 as part of this effort, with plans to include several additional use case categories.